Had a very odd issue with Windows 10 and taskbar menu items missing:
After lots of research, I’ve partially fixed this by running the following from an elevated command prompt:
for /R "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\" %f in (.lnk) do copy /b "%f"+,, "%f" 1>nul
for /R "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\" %f in (.lnk) do copy /b "%f"+,, "%f" 1>nul
taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F
What this does is:
- Update “Last Update Date” attribute on Start Menu Links
- Kill Explorer process
- Start Explorer process
The one missing icon is for Microsoft Edge (also other Microsoft Store Apps have missing icons too, such as Calculator etc).
After lots of research, investigation and trial-and-error, I solved the problem by uninstalling “Google Drive File Stream” (plus I dont really use this anyways):