VBScript – Add Working Days to Date

The VBScript “DateAdd” allows you to add days to a date. The Syntax is:


For example, to add 4 days, you use:


The issue is, this doesn’t include weekends. However I fell across this solution thanks to Sholsinger:

Function BusinessDayAdd(delta, dt)
  dim weeks, days, day
  weeks = Fix(delta/5)
  days = delta Mod 5
  day = DatePart("w",dt)
  If (day = 7) And days > -1 Then
	If days = 0 Then
	  days = days - 2
	  day = day + 2
	End If
	days = days + 1
	day = day - 7
  End If
  If day = 1 And days < 1 Then
	If days = 0 Then
	  days = days + 2
	  day = day - 2
	End If
	days = days - 1
	day = day + 6
  End If
  If day + days > 6 Then days = days + 2
  If day + days < 2 Then days = days - 2
  BusinessDayAdd = DateAdd("d", (weeks * 7 + days), dt)
End Function

To use this function, call it as follows:


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