BPA (Taskcentre) – Webservice Connector UTF-8 Support

Within the BPA platform, there is a Web Service Connector which allows the calling of web services.

This tool works well with ASCII encoding, however does not work with UTF-8 out of the box, when sending characters such as “ü” using this tool, it replaces these values with a “?”. For example:

In order to support UTF-8, the following registry setting needs adding:

ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NodeOrbis SoftwareTaskCentreProviders{F6836170-E8D0-4839-816A-85837B617352}Parameters

This is a string value, and supports the following values:


(I’ve only tested with UTF-8, however have been informed that other values are supported).

If the registry key is missing (or not set) it defaults back to ASCII.

Once updated, no restart of the service is required – it works automatically on next run of the task:

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